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Confused About Career Selection?

Your Career Journey Starts Here! Discover Your Perfect Fit with our Career Counselling Platform

Discover Your Perfect Fit with our Career Counselling Platform
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Career Counselling for Students & Professionals

Know Yourself

Know Yourself

Discover and unlock your full potential with our comprehensive range of digital marketing assessments. Welcome to our digital marketing website, where your dream career journey begins!

Plan for Yourself

Plan for Yourself

Utilize our vast knowledge and experience in the field to steer the ever-changing view of digital marketing. Connect with our expert strategists for guidance and support.

Inform Yourself

Inform Yourself

We believe that having access to the right knowledge at the right time is crucial in order to seize the right opportunities. Discover the most up-to-date information on courses, careers, and emerging specializations in the field.

How does career counselling work?

Most students face challenges during the selection of an appropriate academic discipline, course, educational institution, or study destination. Career counselling plays a key role in providing individuals with the necessary guidance and support to make informed decisions about their career trajectory.

Our Career Counsellor helps you with guidance programs based on their extensive professional experience, which includes demonstration of comprehensive industry trends and utilization of a strategic perspective that aligns with your individual needs and goals.

How does career counselling work?
Career Consultant

Clear your path to a Bright future!

Unsure of the career pathUnsure of the career path

Wrong DecisionsWrong Decisions

Unhappy college DegreeUnhappy college Degree

Unsatisfactory JobUnsatisfactory Job

Changing Career PathsChanging Career Paths



Measures work values, cognitive abilities and personality traits for creation of personal, social and professional growth.

  • Spatial Visualization Numerical
  • Understanding Creativity
  • Linguistic Ability
  • Perceptual Speed and Accuracy
  • Mechanical Comprehension

IQ Test

A standardised way to measure the human intelligence and capability as per their age and acquired learning.

  • To understand the skills like logical thinking, comprehension, concentration, and analysis.
  • Screening tool to hire employees and understand the overall abilities for organisational functions.
  • Predict academic or occupational achievement.
IQ Test image


Thoughts, behaviour, relationships, emotional regulation and more are decoded and defined:

  • Know the qualities, traits, and actions that will help and build long term relationships
  • Identify a good candidate for a particular work setting or even a social environment
  • Make the most of personal characteristics by understanding self-motivation, discipline, leadership and other soft skills


Become self aware. A Psychometric Test helps to identify your Personality, Areas of Interest and Aptitude level.



Clear the confusion and build a career with confidence, based on personal abilities and current trends.

  • Career Counselling helps you to determine your strengths, weaknesses, learning patterns and interests.
  • From helping you to choose the right board, course, college to choosing the right job, the counsellor guide you in mapping the entire pathway to the desired goals.
  • The role of an education counsellor is to assist the student in choosing the right course that matches the skill set of the student to maximize satisfaction and performance.

Invest in Your Future

Elevate your Skills with our Corporate Skill Training Programs

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Improve online visibility, content optimization, and website rankings through SEO techniques.

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Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Utilise social platforms for engaging content, audience connections, and brand awareness.

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English Speaking and Personality Development

Enhance Polish communication, confidence, and personality through personalised programs.

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Content Marketing

Develop compelling content strategies for audience engagement, credibility, and customer loyalty.

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Google Ads

Explore Google Ads’ targeted advertising for measurable results and brand exposure.

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WordPress Development

Develop dynamic WordPress websites and blogs with design, functionality, and customization.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Skill identification helps individuals understand their inherent capabilities, while career counselling assists them in aligning those skills with suitable career opportunities and making informed decisions about their professional journey.

Career plays a major role in an individual’s life. It decides where an individual will be and what he/she will be doing in the future. As we spend a part of their life at work. Career counselling helps individuals to identify the right career track and tune their skills to meet the expectations.

Career guidance helps you map out your career and decide in which direction your skills can be used to achieve your dream career. Kalpavriksha Academy provides you with career development training and aptitude tests to help you focus on your better future through comprehensive professional training courses.

Individuals spend major part of their life at work. So, it’s necessary to choose the right career. Career guidance and career counselling helps an individual to identify the right career and mold themselves to meet the career requirements. Thus, career guidance and career counselling at the right time is important.

No, we don't provide career counselling online. Instead, we offer webinars followed by skill identification workshops. These sessions are designed to help individuals uncover their strengths and talents, enabling them to make informed decisions about their career paths.

Career Counselling Is The Subset Of Career Guidance In India. We Assure You That Our Career Counselling Session Will Help You To Gain Optimism Towards Your Life And Career Goals. We Always Try Our Level Best To Provide The Needful Career Guidance To All Of Our Candidates.

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